Whenever good bread is in my house, it creates a centrifugal force pulling me and my husband in for more. We orbit around the bread tearing off pieces and snacking until (within about 2-3 hours) the bread is gone.
I came across this focaccia bread recipe three weeks ago and it has a strong centrifugal force. I've made it 3 times already and I think I'm addicted
Easy, Homemade Focaccia Bread
Recipe adapted from Nobil Pig
1-3/4 c warm water
1 package active dry yeast
1 tbs sugar
5 c all purpose flour, plus additional for kneading
1 tbs kosher salt, plus more for sprinkling
1 c extra-virgin olive oil, divided
Measure 1 3/4 c warm water (I just got warm water from the sink faucet) and empty one packet of dry yeast and sugar into the water. Set aside in a warm (not hot, not cool) spot for 15 minutes.
Now yeast is tricky, it needs the right environment to work. After the 15 minutes you should see the yeast mixture foaming.
If there is no foam, wait longer. After waiting longer and having no foam, you did something wrong so try again. | | | |
In a large mixing bowl, place the flour, salt 1/2 c of olive oil and yeast mixture. If you have a mixer set it up and knead with the dough attachment for about 5-6 minutes. If you don't have a mixer, roll up your sleeves and start mixing! If the dough is really sticky, sprinkle in some flour.
Cover the dough with saran wrap or a towl and set aside in a draft free spot in the kitchen. Within 1-2 hours the dough should double in size.
Once the dough has risen, take a large cookie sheet or jelly roll pan and pour the remaining 1/2 cup of olive oil. Place the dough into the pan and knead the dough so that it covers the entire surface of the pan. Flip the dough over so both sides are coated with olive oil. When kneading make sure and leave lots of dimples in the dough with your fingers. This will help create the texture of the focaccia bread.Set aside for another hour to rise.
Turn the oven onto 425 degrees. Put the focaccia dough into the oven for 20 minutes
Take the bread out of the oven once it is golden on top, instantly sprinkle sea salt all over the top of the focaccia bread. I have a rosemary salt that I use and it tastes divine.